All new construction works and most alterations to our built environment require applications for Planning Permission to be submitted to Glasgow City Council. Your Community Council has a statutory right to be consulted about all such applications in its area.
What this means in practice is that Woodside Community Council does not have to look out for controversial or contentious applications. Each week we can dowload a summary list of applications for building or development works in our area, which can be reviewed at monthly meetings by members.
This weekly summary of planning applications is also available to the public and is listed by Community Council area in the Glasgow City Council website in the Planning (Development Control) section. The full planning applications can be also be viewed in the Development Control Department at 229 George Street, Glasgow, during normal office hours.
In the same office can be obtained the useful booklet ‘Have Your Say’ about the planning process and how to object. This can also be downloaded from the Glasgow City Council website. There are in addition free resources such as run by volunteers who are qualified planners and who give advice and information on all aspects of Scottish planning regulation.
Although as a resident or business in our area you have full access to the planning process, you are entitled to call for the support of your Community Council in opposing or supporting an application. To do this notify our Secretary of your concerns so that the full application can be obtained and placed on the agenda of the next Community Council meeting.
You are welcome to attend and state your case. If supported your Community Council will act separately in respect of the application and engage the support of local politicians and other groups to seek the desired solution.
Contact your Community Council secretary for more information.