For nearly a century this building housed Glasgow North Fire station . At one time it was the busiest in Europe due to the number of factories and distilleries in the area. It had been built upon a piece of vacant ground that had been purchased from the Kirk Session of the St George’s-in-the-Fields Parish Church. Due to its close proximity to the church, the building was designed to harmonise with the adjoining church.
The appliances were kept on the ground floor and in the early days they were horse-drawn. A spacious courtyard at the rear of the building contained a workshop, a stable for the horses and accommodation for two coachmen. The upper floor of the main building contained accommodation for the officers and their families.

In 1984 the service was transferred to Cowcaddens and the building was acquired by Queens Cross H.A. Converted into flats for young, single homeless, it opened in 1987 as the Fire Station Project.
There is still a carving on the front of the building displaying firemen’s tools.